Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Week of March......What!

The First Week of March is here and we worked on Letter U, Number 12, and read the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. The preschool kids have been doing a great job, listening and staying focused.

We recently had to adjust our routine. The toddlers were wanting to participate too, so we decided to separate the groups. We have the preschool kids at one house, and Toddler Time at another house....I think everyone is happier, especially the mommas!

We began the day by working on the alphabet to U and counting to number 12. Each time we got to our letter or number, the kids got to throw the stuffed animal in the air. The boys finally caught on once we were done....ah! We also sang the months of the year song and every time we got to the kids birth month, they got to stand up!

Look at this focus and concentration as the boys write their names. Well done Noah and Jack. We also outlined a fish with the numbers 1-12 to go along with our theme of Jesus feeding the 5,000.

 Letter U is for Umbrella. This kids did a great job
cutting their own plates....cutting is hard. But they
all took their time and did it! They got to color and glue their umbrella. Eisley and Annabelle really enjoyed the coloring part. While Jack and Noah have fun with glue! Ah, we love the difference between boys and girls!

Each kid got to fill their bag with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and we talked about the importance of sharing, and how amazing Jesus is. "My God will supply all my needs."

The best part about the week: Pet Rocks! Each kid got to pick a rock and decorate and name their pet rock. Wheels on the Bus, Shawna, Fast, and Zacchaeus all joined us for preschool. The kids were so funny decorating their new friends. 

We began the 2nd day of the week with the Pledge of Allegiance.  The kids learned about the importance of respecting the flag, placing their hand over their heart and reciting the words. They probably have no idea what they are saying, but it is so cute! 

A classic Ugly Duckling story teaches the importance about being kind even if someone is different. 

The kids practiced making letter U and number 12 with play dough, they also created some fun looking animals too!

Annabelle did a great job making her U! She also made an awesome giraffe....which of course I didn't get a pic of!

Once the paint dried on their pet rocks, they got to stick bugs, foam shapes, and other objects on their new friends. 

 I let the kids create faces with their snacks. They did a great job making sure all the major facial parts were included. Yum! 

Lastly, we finished the week off with a game of memory. They got it! It is crazy to think it is spring, and the see how much growth and progress our kids have made. What a joy and blessing this is to be a part of! 

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