Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 11: The Battle of Jello!

Week 11: The Battle of Jericho.

The week started with Letter G and Number 5. The kids worked on writing and tracing Letter G and Number 5. They were given lined paper, and concentrating on staying in the lines. 

 The Battle of Jello - the kids used cookie cutters of Number 5 and Letter G, and worked on cutting out the jello. It was really hard, and the jello won! But the kids sure did love eating it!!

 Even the babies had a Battle of Jello, where I think, the jello won too! Doc would agree! 
Isn't he the cutest!?!

The snack for the week was bagels, cream cheese, and raisins. The kids got to spread the green cream cheese on their (circle) bagel and then count out 5 raisins to place on bagel. Eisley did an awesome job creating her bagel sandwich!

For the Letter and Number Activity, each kid had a different task: Shape Sorter, Tracing Letter G, Number Puzzle, and Rice Tracing. Concentration and focus, Addison did a great job with the shape sorter! 
 Noah traced the letter G, and even smiled for a picture! Two in one, wow! 
 Jack did a great job sorting the shapes. We focused on squares and circles this week. 
 The kids listened very well to the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho.  
 A fun game of Twister that even the babies got into. The kids did a great job matching their hands or feet to the color called out. Even Ellie was wanting to get into the game!

 For the Battle of Jericho, the kids made tambourines which were two plates, filled with beans. The kids had to lace the plate with yarn, and they got to paint and decorate their instruments.

Then, we all went outside and the kids got to march around the Wall of Jericho and make as much noise as they can! It was super loud, but super fun!
 We ended the week with a Veggie Tales movie, and everyone, especially the mommy's were excited!

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