Thanks to my good friend Lizz, a preschool teacher, she showed me this fun idea and all you need is a box, gold balls, and paint! The kids chose their color and got to decorate their hearts with the paint and golf balls. If I did this again, I would probably use lighter color paint so that we can see the writing on the heart, but the kids have fun decorating. It was a CLEAN activity, which I like best!
Time to Be Thankful! The kids got to color their watches, and we talked about time. Different times during the day when we can share what we are thankful for.
The Bible Story was about Naaman, a man covered with sores and bruises all over his body. Elisha, who prayed to God, told him to go wash in a river seven times. We learned about the importance of praying to God and asking Him for help.
It is fun that the kids are interested in spelling. This was a challenge though. The letter this week is U, so we focused on rhyming words with the letter U, like sun, run, fun, bun, etc. We talked about how every word needs a vowel, A, E, I, O, U……and I lost them! Ha!
Journal Time: This has become one of my favorite times with Jack, Addison, and Noah. We ask them a question: What are they thankful for? Then they get to draw a picture. Jack and Addison really enjoy using different colors and adding lots of detail to their picture. Noah enjoys writing his name!
Day 2: Show and Tell, another favorite! Look at these cute kids! They are really doing a great job sharing their favorites toys, and then listening to each other as well. I am so proud of them!
We read this great book, Images of God. The pictures are stunning. The kids really enjoyed looking at all the different ways we can see God. We had a journal entry where I asked them God is…. It is great to just let them dream, imagine, and create!
The book of the week: Gregory, The Terrible Eater. We talked about the importance of eating every type of food. Jack mentioned how he takes a "no thank you" bite at every meal. So we cut out pictures of different types of food and glued them on our place mat.
Ironically Blue Jello is NOT one of the main food groups! Ha, oh well. They each got to choose a shape and cut it out of the jello. I think they had more fun eating their shapes!
Lastly we worked on letters. They each chose a letter and had to say what letter it was, the sound, and a word beginning with that letter. Some letters are easier than others, but they are really doing well at sounding the letters out! Good job kids!